Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Yuzawa Harvest Festival - October 16

It is still harvest time in Snow Country and the harvest festivals continue. They are a time honored tradition in rural Japan and a great chance for the local population to get together and enjoy the bounty of the land. Snow Country produces lots of great crops, the most famous being the Koshihikari rice and on Sunday October 16th it is Yuzawa's turn to celebrate with their matsuri in the Chuo Park.

It is a great day out and even made it onto a current affairs program last year. There is lots to eat and drink, and you will get a real taste of the terroir of the area. Rice features in many of its forms - rice balls, mochi and sake to name but a few - and other local delicacies will be on offer.

The park itself is a beautiful location and sure to be full of families out to enjoy the activities, games and stalls gathered there for the Harvest Festival.

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