Sunday, October 23, 2011

Historical Snow Country - Hokuetsu Seppu

Hokuetsu Seppu is a book from the 1830s recounting what life was like for people of that age living in an area of heavy snowfall. The title of the book means "Snow Tales from the Hokuetsu Region" which is smack in the middle of modern Snow Country. There is an English translation of this early work and it is a fascinating read.

It gives you an insight into the day to day life of Snow Country residents, their way of life, their folk tales and their struggle to survive. Things are very different today but you can still pick up on aspects that have been passed down through the ages. For anyone that has lived here for a winter the constant struggle to keep your house clear of snow will be a familiar refrain. You realize how easy we have it in this day and age. If you are heading this way it is definitely a recommended read and if you subsequently visit one of the historical museums in this area you will easily recognize some of the tools and clothing. Hokuetsu Seppu does a great job of bringing those time to life.

There are plenty of illustrations throughout the book including a great series of early studies of snow flakes.

Inspiration for the Snow Country Region logo perhaps?

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