Monday, October 3, 2011

Fire Walking at Hakkai San - October 20th

Rural Japan has many interesting festivals that offer a unique insight into Japanese culture. Snow Country is no exception and has a calendar full of interesting events, from newly weds being thrown down a hill to semi-naked men trying to battle their way into a shrine.

Tuesday October 20th sees another interesting local festival with the fire walking at Hakkai San. Hakkai has long been regarded as a sacred mountain and its shrine is seen as an especially powerful area.

This is a festival that takes place in Spring and Autumn and is an amazing sight. Cedar wood is burnt until there is a bed of red hot coals and then Shinto devotees walk barefoot over them guaranteeing the health and safety of their friends and family. It is not only limited to believers but the general public too can put their faith to the test and take a stroll across the coals. This is probably not one for the faint-hearted but your loved ones would be impressed to see you putting your body on the line for their well-being.

Even if you don't fancy the heat of the fire walking, it is a great festival and a fantastic one to watch.

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