Monday, August 13, 2012

Yuzawa Summer Matsuri - August 15th/16th

It's the Obon holidays which means traffic jams, hot weather and summer festivals. But get to your destination, kick back and relax. Think shaved ice, chilled beers and festival food in the streets. August 15th and 16th is the Yuzawa Summer Matsuri which is one of the top celebrations of the year in the town.

There is masses going on for both days so it is a good idea to have a look at the schedule or pop into the Information Center to make sure you don't miss out. There will be loads to do for the kids with balloon modelling and other activities and the adults are well catered for with a beer garden, plenty of food and lots of performances.

The evening is the main event with fireworks and the portable shrine making its way around the town which is always a boisterous affair.

There is plenty going on on other days too but 15th/16th are the main event.

There was the Yukata Matsuri on August 6th which had a record turnout so this summer is expected to be one of the best matsuris in Yuzawa yet.

These festivals are real taste of summer in Japan so are not to be missed.

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